2-3/05/2019: AI4EU Joint WP5/6/7/9 Workshop

The AI4EU Joint WP5/6/7/9 workshop took place in Paris (at Sorbonne University). As part of the WP5, I attended the discussion of the horizontal topics (Explainable AI, Verifiable AI, Collaborative AI, Integrative AI, and Physical AI) and the pilots (AI4Citizens, AI4Industry, AI4Healthcare, AI4Robotics, AI4Media, AI4IoT, AI4Agriculture, and AI4Cybersecurity) to find out possible connections with the … Continue reading "2-3/05/2019: AI4EU Joint WP5/6/7/9 Workshop"

22-26/04/2019: Dagstuhl seminar

I attended the Dagstuhl seminar 19171 on “Ethics and Trust: Principles, Verification and Validation”. During the seminar I took part in the working group on artificial moral agency where we discussed different conceptions of agency, moral agency and autonomy.