Pipeline Configuration

Before using WASS to reconstruct your stereo data, two different components must be configured:

  1. WASSjs should be made aware of the location of your data, the number of frames, desired output directory, etc
  2. The pipeline executables (especially wass_stereo) should be tuned so that the best possible performance can be achieved.

This page will help you configure WASSjs. Refer to Matcher Configuration or Stereo Configuration for a guide configuring wass_match and wass_stereo respectively.

WASSjs general configuration

General settings regarding the whole WASS pipeline can be set by editing the file <WASS_ROOT>/WASSjs/settings.json. This file is loaded once WASSjs is started and should be independent from the specific dataset to be reconstructed.

Here is an example of the default settings.json:

    "pipeline_dir": "../dist/bin/",
    "prepare_exe": "wass_prepare",
    "matcher_exe": "wass_match",
    "autocalibrate_exe": "wass_autocalibrate",
    "stereo_exe": "wass_stereo",
    "http_port": 3000,
    "num_frames_to_match": 50,
    "prepare_parallel_jobs": 4,
    "match_parallel_jobs": 4,
    "stereo_parallel_jobs": 4

When editing this file it is important to maintain its structure so that it respects the JSON data-interchange format. Just modify the required values without altering the structure (ie. keep the brakets and so on) so that it can be properly read by WASSjs.

Here is a short explanation of all the relevant options:

key value
pipeline_dir directory (either absolute or relative) of the pipeline executables
prepare_exe name of the prepare executable (no need to change this)
matcher_exe name of the matcher executable (no need to change this)
autocalibrate_exe name of the autocalibrate executable (no need to change this)
stereo_exe name of the stereo executable (no need to change this)
http_port port used by the internal http server
num_frames_to_match The maximum number of stereo frames to be matched in a sequence. Small number of frames will give a faster but less accurate auto-calibration. Vice-versa
prepare_parallel_jobs Number of prepare jobs to be run in parallel (set this number to the number of cpu cores of your machine
match_parallel_jobs Number of match jobs to be run in parallel (set this number to the number of cpu cores of your machine
stereo_parallel_jobs Number of stereo reconstruction jobs to be run in parallel (set this number to the number of cpu cores of your machine

Data-specific configuration

All the setting relative to a specific image set to be reconstructed are contained in the file <WASS_ROOT>/WASSjs/worksession.json. Once a new stereo sequence is acquired, start by placing all the stereo images in a directory of your choice following the naming convention explained in the Getting-started section (or follow the example set given with WASS_TEST.zip).

Then, edit the file <WASS_ROOT>/WASSjs/worksession.json to set the correct input/output directories together with the reconstruction settings.

The default worksession.json to be used with the provided WASS_TEST dataset should look like the following:


Here is a short explanation of all the relevant options:

key value
cam0_datadir directory (either absolute or relative) containing all the first camera images
cam1_datadir directory (either absolute or relative) containing all the second camera images
workdir output directory
confdir directory (either absolute or relative) containing the calibration and pipeline executables configuration files (See the "Camera intrinsic calibration" section below.
savediskspace true: Save some disk space by removing unnecessary files after the reconstruction.
false: Keep all the temporary files generated by the pipeline. Also, keep the undistorted high-resolution images
keepimages true: Keep the undistorted high-resolution images (even if savediskspace is set to true)
false: do nothing.
zipoutput true: Zip each working directory
false: keep the reconstructed output directories as-is.
match_config_file wass_match configuration file name (assumed to be located under confdir directory)
dense_stereo_config_file wass_stereo configuration file name (assumed to be located under confdir directory)
wdir_frames List of all the working directories. Do not edit this option as it will be automatically populated by WASSjs
seq_start Index of the first frame of the stereo sequence
seq_end Index of the last frame of the stereo sequence

Camera intrinsic calibration

WASS can automatically calibrate the reciprocal position and orientation of the two cameras (usually referred as extrinsic calibration) but assumes the intrinsic calibration to be known.

Intrinsic calibration is provided in the form of 4 XML files that must be placed in the directory confdir previously specified in the file worksession.json:

File Description
intrinsics_00.xml Intrinsic parameters of the first camera
intrinsics_01.xml Intrinsic parameters of the second camera
distortion_00.xml Radial distortion parameters of the first camera
distortion_01.xml Radial distortion parameters of the second camera

The two intrinsics_00.xml and intrinsics_01.xml files contain the standard 3x3 intrinsic camera matrix whereas distortion_00.xml and distortion_01.xml contains the 5 parameters of the polynomial radial distortion model.

To perform the calibration, is highly suggested to use the Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab and follow the described procedure. After the calibration (to be performed independently for the two cameras), manually copy the values of the Matlab variable KK into the data section of intrinsics_00.xml (or intrinsics_00.xml depending on which camera you are calibrating) and the values of the variable kc into the data section of distortion_00.xml (or distortion_01.xml for the second camera).

Please refer to the supplied calibration files of the pipeline test for an example of the XML format used.

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